Thursday, October 13, 2005

Methinks I hear the calling of the performing bard...

Right... so if you haven't seen it yet, go see A Midsummer Night's Dream at TCNJ's Don Evans Black Box Theatre on either Thurs, Fri or Sat at 8pm. It will be worth your hard earned $4 (with student ID). This was hands down the best performance of this particular show that I have thus far seen. You will be greatly entertained and wonder where the time went by the time it's over. It also seems to have stirred that desire to do theater inside of me again. I'm considering talking to my friend Megan about jumping into it right now.... however, only if I don't get that church job, which I don't think I'm going to. I'm sure I'm more than qualified, however I'm gone in less than 7 months depend on grad school stuff. It's illogical to have someone who might not even stay, start something you are placing lots of emphasis on. Even with as much as I can do, I know that I have a limit. And as much as I didn't expect to get to it this semester, there it is. Theater or the church job. That will fill me up.

Talked to a person on campus with Chuck today. Very rewarding experience that showed me things I expected, and withheld things I didn't expect. It was a positive experience. We continued our Bible study of James. Thought provoking book, and very easy to practically apply to my contemporary situation. Then I stayed to read and my friend Jess and her friend came to join me for their dinner which was awesome. I can see right now, that becoming friends with her will forever define my senior year when I look back on TCNJ. Junior year was InterVarsity, and Senior year will be at least some large part Jess. Truly unlike anyone I have ever met and I would dare say that she likes it that way. What a great friend to have made!

InterVarsity's Large Group meeting, Thursday night at 8pm in the Spiritual Center. There's my afore warned shameless plug :-P Professor Pedro Govantes will be speaking this week. There will be at least one special sign up for a David Crowder/ Shane and Shane concert on Nov 4th. It's supposed to be a good concert, and like Pete and I agreed at the Chris Tomlin/Matt Redman concert last Saturday, "If it's even as half as good as this one, then it will still be amazing." That concert last Saturday bordered on a full fledged 'religious experience' that I never dreamed could happen anywhere in the NorthEast let alone NJ. It was actually a worship service, lead by worship leaders, with an audience that was actually worshiping. It wasn't a performance, it wasn't a concert, it wasn't a show.... it was exactly what it was supposed to be, worship. And freaking amazing worship at that!!!!! I'd say to go see them, but they're not around here anymore for a while, but if they ever come around again... Go!

In summation, life's just had its usual ups and downs... they've been pretty even recently in terms of severity so perhaps my life is calming down. School's good, photography's a welcome challenge, IV has been steadily getting better, my family life is stabilizing, and my seasonal depression is finally coming back under control.... it kinda took me by surprise the other week. I didn't expect it so early in the season, but lo and behold, it is here. I think I've finally balanced out, but we'll see. Other than that, I'm looking forward to the Big Event at Young Life's beautiful Lake Champion this weekend, Fall break next weekend, and then concerts, babysitting, and going new places with new friends!!